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HJ polyester resin

Recommended use
Automotive intermediate coating resin

Excellent adhesion, excellent impact resistance, good recoatability

Polyester aminobaking metallic or primer coatings for automotive or other advanced machinery

Resin for High-grade Eco-Friendly Nail Polish

Good flexibility, excellent compatibility with other hydroxyl resins or nitrocellulose, used to improve fullness, flexibility and adhesion, free of prohibited substances such as benzene solvents, methanol, formaldehyde, plasticizers, etc.

Environmentally friendly benzene-free nail polish, high-grade nitro varnish, etc.

Resin for iron printing and coil coating

Toughness, adhesion, medium resistance, weather resistance

Coil topcoat, automotive topcoat, printed iron coating

Resin for PU coating or amino drying coating

High Solids, High Fullness, High Gloss

For PU paint or amino paint

4 Records

达州市| 廉江市| 金门县| 阿荣旗| 基隆市| 柏乡县| 佛学| 渭南市| 古浪县| 台前县| 平利县| 黄龙县| 长汀县| 九龙坡区| 宁强县| 广平县| 灵台县| 南木林县| 旬邑县| 德昌县| 双桥区| 凌源市| 攀枝花市| 河间市| 大同县| 镇安县| 太原市| 宁明县| 长海县| 望谟县| 交口县| 屏东县| 桦川县| 奉新县| 织金县| 马鞍山市| 攀枝花市| 天祝| 永丰县| 平原县| 铜梁县|